the guy some other day I browse an information of a crowd outside Buckingham Palace: “fifty percent selfie sticks, fifty percent Periscopers”. I nevertheless don’t possess a selfie adhere. But I have a horrible sensation a fledgling Periscoper is really what Im.
is the livestreaming app sold to Twitter for $100m. Together with your smartphone camera you broadcast whatever you happen to be performing to everyone, watching the ridiculous circumstances different lost souls are trying to do, stay at this extremely instant, whenever they needs to be working or having important interactions together with other people. The resulting footage may be stored all day and night, but the real time experience will be the point.
It may sound ridiculous. And it’s really. Although aftermath to do Periscope the very first time is similar to setting the crack pipeline down, exhaling, and considering: “Hmm. Quite more-ish.”
That knows how it will develop? Enterprising theater groups could pioneer real time Periscope
-fictional activities. Citizen reporters could nab wrongdoers inside the time, just like the South Carolina patrolman charged with murder after a
passerby videoed him
. At the same time, I just Periscoped my self roaming through Guardian offices and it had been amazing.
Larkin’s honor to Yemen
Listen carefully: that’s the ghost of
Philip Larkin
scratching away, spinning one of his true most well-known poems.
In Yemen Britain is actually supporting the army action on the behalf of the deposed Saudi-supported president, meet abd fuck Rabbu Mansour Hadi, against Iranian-backed
Houthi rebels from the north
. We can’t rule out the participation of US and indeed British military personnel. The specific situation is apparently getting a
humanitarian calamity in the port of Aden
, a British crown nest before troops had been withdrawn at the end of the 1960s on price reasons.
From the finally night of colonial rule Denis Healey, subsequently protection minister, is alleged to possess provided an innovative drink making use of the governor, whom said that british empire could be remembered there for 2 circumstances: soccer and the expression “fuck off”.
It caused masochistically rage-filled gloom in Larkin, whom penned their
Homage to a Government
in 1969:
Next season the audience is to carry all the troops residence / For decreased money, plus its fine.
Possibly Larkin’s character gets to the office on a unique adaptation:
The coming year we shall probably send the troops straight back / As part of a US-Saudi-led coalition, and it’s also financially possible
A hook-up that won’t date
Any future BBC one-off crisis about the brief but fateful union of
Stephanie Flanders and Ed Miliband
will need star
Lena Headey
Eddie Redmayne
. And it would need to be called “Dating” â with quotation markings.
Flanders, a former BBC economics editor today with the merchant bank JP Morgan, delivered a tweet with a particular cranky hauteur to dismiss newspaper news: ”
We âdated’ fleetingly in 2004. V costly few wks, as it happens
.” Of course, it could be that Flanders’ resentment of push invasion and basic feeling of lese-majesty
is more than Miliband’s. But exactly why the disdainful inverted commas?
She may have planned to downplay the necessity of the connection, with a self-consciously charming and somewhat innocent phase. Dating makes it sound just as if Ed welcomed Stephanie to a high-school prom in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1961; the guy turned up for his “date” in a velvet supper jacket and bow link making uncomfortable talk with her parents while she got ready upstairs.
Tom Wolfe typed that “dating” is actually passe and what the kids do now is ”
starting up
“. That sounds a touch too relaxed and intellectually underpowered for all the link produced by Flanders and Miliband. But I don’t believe Stephanie should-be agitated during the notion of “dating” Ed, which includes an old-world charm â nonetheless it has not dated.